Friday, December 28, 2007
Nelco - Tata Group's Automation
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Site Link : Nelco
All time High 196 (12 th December ,2005)
52 Week H/L - 130/67
Nelco, Tata Group Company, was established in 1940 to manufacture consumer electronic products for the Indian domestic market. The company later expanded its operations to manufacture products used in industrial controls, power electronics, V-SAT networks and automation.Now offers a range of new products and solutions, such as border intrusion detection and security systems, locomotive traction power controls and converters, supervisory and data acquisition systems, building management systems, VSAT connectivity solutions and data centre solutions.
Nelco's strategic electronics group provides electronic-based solutions in the security and surveillance sectors, including intrusion detection systems, e-fencing systems, radios, integrated security solutions using CCTV, RF links and solar panels, scanners, explosive detectors and weather management systems for the defence sector, paramilitary organisations and the homeland security segment.
The traction electronics group is a major power electronics equipment provider to various works of the Indian Railways for their passenger and freight AC locomotives. The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) group provides engineered solutions in SCADA systems, energy management systems, distribution management systems and automatic data logging systems with applications in power, oil and gas industry, traction control in railways, water distribution management etc. The BMS group provides integrated building management systems encompassing HVAC controls, fire controls, access controls and CCTV for comfort, energy saving and security of its users.
Nelco's Tatanet division provides solutions like Internet over VSAT, bandwidth on demand, interactive distance learning, IP multicast and digital streaming to industry segments like manufacturing and distribution, pharmaceuticals, banking and financial services, media, travel and tourism and logistics and to government and public sector units. It also provides server co-location and managed services facilities to its customers.
Nelco has transfer of technology tie-ups with Eagle Telonics (USA) and Secotec (Israel) for intrusion detection systems and perimeter security systems. It also has strategic alliances with Thales (France) and IAI (Israel) for defence and surveillance projects; MicroStep MIS (Slovakia) for weather management system; Gilat and Viasat for VSAT; Serck Controls (UK); Open System International (USA) and Dongfang (China) for SCADA and energy management systems and distribution management systems; and ASI Robicon and Hitachi (Japan) for AC drives. The company has also promoted Nelito Systems, a joint venture with Itochu, Japan
Defence orders
Nelco is benefiting immensely from its past initiatives to focus on the niche market of security and surveillance systems for the defence forces. Given its alliances/tie-ups with leading global majors, the company has been able to establish itself as a reliable supplier of superior technology products. On the demand side, the government has considerably enhanced its spending on electronic communication warfare systems and is encouraging private participation.
- Ministry of Defence, State Electricity Boards, Siemens Limited, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited , Jindal Steel and Power Limited,Philips Carbon Black Limited, Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited , Indian Railways , Steel Authority of India Limited , Hindustan Paper and Chemicals Limited , Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Limited, Cochin Port Trust Limited , Tata Power Company Limited , Tata Motors Ltd and more.
Realty gains It can unlock the value in its real estate business by developing 50,000 square feet (sq. ft.) of saleable area in each of the next three years. Fair value of the cash flows from the real estate business at Rs10 per share.
SCADA ( S upervisory C ontrol A nd D ata A cquisition ) . SCADA is not a full control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory level. As such, it is a purely software package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in general via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules.SCADA systems are typically used to perform data collection and control at the supervisory level.
The supervisory control system is a system that is placed on top of areal-time control system to control a process that is external to the SCADA system ( i.e. a computer, by itself, is not a SCADA system even though it controls its own power consumption and cooling). This implies that the system is not critical to control the process in real-time, as there is a separate or integrated real-time automated control system that can respond quickly enough to compensate for process changes within the time-constants of the process . The process can be industrial, infrastructure or facility based as described below:
- Industrial processes include : Manufacturing, production, power generation, fabrication, refining - continuous, batch, repetitive or discrete. SCADA also used in some experimental facilities such as nuclear fusion. More recently they were also applied for the controls of smaller size particle detectors.
- Infrastructure processes may be public or private and include: water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and wastewater treatment , oil & gas pipelines, electrical power transmission and distribution and large communication systems.
- Facility processes in private or public facilities including: buildings, airports, ships or space stations in order to monitor and control:HVAC, access control, energy consumption management

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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